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Testosterone spray and memory

Testosterone spray may improve memory in post-menopausal women, a small Australian study suggests.

Lead investigator, Monash University postdoctoral research fellow Dr Sonia Davison, said results offered a potential therapy, where none currently existed, to slow cognitive decline in women.

Researchers compared a control group of 30 women who received no treatment with nine women in early menopause who were healthy, had no cognitive decline and were taking non-oral HRT. They sprayed their skin daily for six months, returning testosterone levels in the blood to those of young women of childbearing age. Tests showed they improved their memory and verbal learning while controls had no improvement.

Findings of the preliminary study, which was co-financed by the spray’s manufacturers FemPharm, were presented at The Endocrine Society’s 93rd annual meeting in Boston.

Content updated 19 July 2011

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