Breast cancer risk
From the Cancer Australia Website
Understanding risk
Cancer Australia has a dedicated website Breast Cancer The risk factors that provides comprehensive information concerning risk.
"As a woman, over the course of your lifetime there are many factors that can influence your risk of breast cancer.
While some of the most important of these risk factors, such as being a woman, getting older or having a strong family history cannot be changed, you can still aim to reduce risk of breast cancer through making healthy lifestyle choices and other risk-reducing strategies.
You can also improve your chance of better outcomes by being breast aware and knowing what to do about finding breast cancer early."
Risk Calculator
This web-based tool is available to help women understand their personal breast cancer risk and then act on it. It is designed to be used collaboratively by women and their doctors. Women can use it at home, print the output, and bring it to a consultation for discussion.
Content created Februay 2024