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Information concerning menopause and midlife health issues in a comprehensive format.

 Fragile X and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Webinar 4 April 2022


The AMS partnered with the Fragile X Association of Australia for Fragile X and POI – What do I need to know?

This webinar, presented by AMS Past-President A/Professor Amanda Vincent is for women who are going through or at risk of POI due to FMR-1 pre-mutation.

The webinar covers:

  • What is POI?
  • What causes POI?
  • Risk factors
  • Impact of POI
  • Diagnosis
  • Management

The webinar is hosted by a Karen Lipworth, Board Member of the Fragile X Association of Australia who herself was diagnosed with POI and subsequently the FMR pre-mutation, and she discusses her journey.

Read more … Fragile X and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Webinar 4 April 2022

Early Menopause: New digital resources for women and health professionals

Healthtalk AustraliaTwo comprehensive new Australian digital resources have been developed for women with early menopause / primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) and health professionals caring for women with EM / POI.

Located on the Healthtalk Australia website, the resources feature women’s and health professionals’ experiences and perspectives (via short audio and video clips), a Question Prompt List for women with weblinks to information, diagnosis and management (treatment) algorithms for health professionals, and information and resource pages including a list of health services across Australia for women with EM / POI. The resources are designed to support, inform and help with diagnosis, management and improved communication between women and their HPs for better health outcomes.

Read more …Early Menopause: New digital resources for women and health professionals

Thinking of menopausal hormone therapy? Here's what you can expect from your GP

There’s a lot of information to take in. So it’s OK to discuss options for managing your menopausal symptoms over several consultations with your GP. from

Rhonda Garad, Monash University and Amanda Vincent, Monash University

We have seen increasingly dramatic headlines over the years on the risks of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), also known as hormone replacement therapy.

An alarming study in 2002, which found an apparent increased risk of breast cancer in women who took MHT, prompted the first of these headlines.

But newer evidence has been reassuring. It’s also a reminder that when considering your options, any risk associated with taking MHT needs to be balanced with the benefits.

This balance is the main thing your GP will consider when discussing whether MHT is right for you.

Read more …Thinking of menopausal hormone therapy? Here's what you can expect from your GP

Menopause and HRT

21 October 2019:

This radio braodcast with Professor Martha Hickey and Dr Liz Farrell (AMS member and a past AMS President) is available to listen online of as a podcast.

ABC Radio
On Nightlife with Philip Clark

About half the population will go through menopause at some point in their lives - What are the symptoms? How effective is HRT is treating these symptoms? And How does menopause affect women at work? 

Helping us better understand the impacts of menopause are: Professor Martha Hickey, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Melbourne, and Dr. Elizabeth Farrell, a gynaecologist and Medical Director of Jean Hailes for Women's Health.

Access here:

Read more …Menopause and HRT

Testosterone and Women

World Menopause Day 2019Androgens are hormones produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, with the principal androgen being testosterone. In women, the ovaries directly release testosterone into the blood stream, but testosterone can also be made from other hormones that come from the ovaries and adrenal glands such as DHEA and androstenedione. In women and men, testosterone acts directly in cells, but it is also converted to estrogen, and has vital biological effects through estrogen action. [1.]

Testosterone blood levels in men are about 10-20 fold greater than in women and result in the male features we tend to associate with testosterone, such as deeper voice, more body hair, more muscle and so forth.

Testosterone blood levels in women tend to peak during their 20s. This is followed by a gradual decline with age. By the time a woman reaches menopause, blood testosterone levels are about one quarter of what they were at their peak. [2.] However, after the age of 65-70 years, women have testosterone blood levels similar to those seen in young women. [3.]

A sudden fall in testosterone blood levels occurs when women have both of their ovaries removed (surgical menopause). Other causes of low testosterone in women include:

  • Use of the oral contraceptive pill - switches off testosterone production by the ovaries and produces a liver protein (SHBG) which may reduce the effects of testosterone;
  • Oral steroid therapy - suppression of testosterone production by the adrenals;
  • Anti-androgen therapy for acne, hirsutism or scalp hair loss - drugs that block the actions of testosterone in body cells; and
  • Complete loss of pituitary function (panhypopituitarism).

To exclude other potential causes, we recommend you talk to your healthcare professional.

What are the consequences of low testosterone in women?

The effects of low testosterone in women have been greatly debated over many years. Firstly, and most importantly there is no blood level that can be used as a cut-off to “diagnose” low testosterone in women.

Some studies have indicated that there may be an association between low sexual desire and low testosterone, but this has not been a consistent finding in all studies. [4.]

Read more …Testosterone and Women

How to make work menopause-friendly: don't think of it as a problem to be managed

Kathleen Riach, Monash University and Gavin Jack, Monash University

For many, menopause conjures up feelings of embarrassment, hot flushes, mood swings and sleep disturbance. It doesn’t usually conjure up thoughts about the workplace.

Yet menopause at work is fast becoming a target of government and organisational concern.

Read more …How to make work menopause-friendly: don't think of it as a problem to be managed

Being positive about sexual wellbeing after menopause

Sexual wellbeing after menopause bookletFree yourself and embrace positive sexual wellbeing 

Download booklet here: pdfSexual wellbeing after menopause840.7 KB

Sexual wellbeing

Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing related to sexuality.

Sexuality is an integral part of the human psyche. Sexuality is expressed throughout life in all people both consciously and unconsciously in body movements and body language, speech, appearance and in every imaginable way people interact with each other. The way people demonstrate their innate sexuality varies according to their stage of life. Sexuality is not limited by age, relationship status or sexual preference.

Studies across a number of countries have shown that women place high value on sexual intimacy in their relationships and the majority of women continue to be sexually active into their later years. [1., 2.]

Consequently, a decrease in sexual wellbeing and loss of intimacy can have profoundly negative effects. After menopause 30-50% of women experience sexual difficulties that adversely impact their intimate relationship, psychological wellbeing health, social functioning and overall quality of life. [3., 4.] However, there is a range of treatment options for women to consider.

Read more …Being positive about sexual wellbeing after menopause

ESHRE Companion guidelines on the management of premature ovarian insufficiency

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) guideline offers best practice advice on the care of women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), both primary and secondary.

The patient population comprises women younger than 40 years (which includes Turner Syndrome patients) and women older than 40 years, but with disease onset before 40. 

Information for  women with  Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

PremIn Ov POI

The consumer companion for the clinical guideline providing recommendations for POI is for you if: 

  • You have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). 

The booklet aims to

  • increase awareness of premature ovarian insufficiency
  • encourage women with POI to attend their healthcare provider.
  • provide women with POI with tools to discuss their options with their healthcare provider.

Information for  women with Iatrogenic  Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Iatrogenic POIThe consumer companion for the clinical guideline providing recommendations for iatorgenic POI is for you if:  

  • You have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) as a result of treatment for cancer or benign disease -
  • You are about to undergo treatment that could result in POI

The iatrogenic booklet aims to:

  • increase awareness of premature ovarian insufficiency
  • encourage women with POI to attend their healthcare provider.
  • provide women with POI with tools to discuss their options with their healthcare provider.

 These booklets are intended for patients, but may also be useful for their family members and caregivers 

Read more …ESHRE Companion guidelines on the management of premature ovarian insufficiency

Changes before the Change: Perimenopausal bleeding

Changes before the Change bookletAlthough some women may abruptly stop having periods leading up to the menopause, many will notice changes in patterns and irregular bleeding. 

Whilst this can be a natural phase in your life, it may important to see your healthcare professional to rule out other health conditions if other worrying symptoms occur.

Many women experience Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) during perimenopause. AUB  is defined as bleeding that differs in frequency, regularity, duration or amount to your regular menstrual bleeding. [1] Changes to the menstrual cycle often carry no significant consequences [2]; however, they could have a range of causes. Although it may simply be a symptom of perimenopause, it is still sensible to raise the issue with your healthcare professional. A thorough history and physical examination will indicate the cause of uterine bleeding and help discern the need for further investigation and treatment. [3] Other investigations for abnormal uterine bleeding include a PAP Smear, Endometrial or Uterine Sampling (Endometrial Biopsy), a Vaginal Ultrasound (Echography) and routine laboratory testing.

pdfChanges before the Change1.06 MB

Read more …Changes before the Change: Perimenopausal bleeding

Do what makes your heart healthy

Heart Health Matters

heart health mattersMenopause is the stage in your life when your periods stop permanently, signaling the end of your reproductive years. It happens when there are no more eggs in your ovaries. Because eggs stimulate your body to produce oestrogen, the levels of estrogen in the blood drop, resulting in menopausal changes in the body when they are exhausted.

As a result of the hormonal changes surrounding menopause, many women experience both physical and emotional symptoms:

  • Hot flushes / flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia and disrupted sleep
  • Racing heart / palpitations
  • Weight gain (especially around the waist and abdomen)
  • Headaches
  • Changes to the skin, hair and nails
  • Aches and pains in joints and muscles
  • Lower sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse and increased risk of vaginal infections
  • Inability to control urination and increased risk of urinary infections
  • Difficulty concentrating and memory lapses
  • Fatigue / low energy levels
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Depression

Read more …Do what makes your heart healthy